Well, I managed to get away on schedule. (ACTUALLY I'm a day ahead of schedule). Expected to spend the first night in Jacksonville, en-route to Silver Springs, Maryland ... but, when I hit the road, no plan is etched in stone.
I stopped, instead, at Falling Water State Park ( FL ) . One of my favorite camping sites. From here I'll drive straight to Maryland.
There's a certain serenity and tranquility about Falling Waters. The falls drop 100 feet, into a quiet darkness. An abyss of sorts which is actually a sink-hole (Common in Florida). Where it goes from there, no one knows.
It reminds me of gazing into the quiet of the far-off night sky, at the outer edges of a black hole, and imagining hearing a giant sucking sound as the occasional space rock gets too close to the event horizon. Where it goes from there, no one knows. Ominous to be sure. Foreboding, yet... tranquil and serene.
I'll hook-up with Linda (Cindy's cousin) on Tuesday evening and we'll have dinner and then do our annual grave-side picnic on Wednesday. From there I will head to New Bern, NC to have lunch with an old friend, on Thursday and prepare for the upcomng meteor showers.
.... and so it goes.
C'ya again soon.