I watched Dillinger last night (starring Warren Oates and Ben Johnson). The movie is full of memorable quotes ... like this conversation:
Samuel Cowley: Can't touch Dillinger, no federal offense; he doesn't deserve to be there. I don't want anyone up there I can't legally shoot!
Samuel Cowley: Can't touch Dillinger, no federal offense; he doesn't deserve to be there. I don't want anyone up there I can't legally shoot!
Melvin Purvis: Shoot Dillinger and we'll figure out a way to make it legal.
Baby Face Nelson: One thing. If we're going to work together, I want it understood I don't take no orders.
Pretty Boy Floyd: I believe this is Mr. Dillinger's gang.
Baby Face Nelson: Bah! He ain't my leader, I've got my own way of taking banks. I come in shooting, I kill everyone inside and I grab the dough. Very easy, it works very well. You don't like it, you get someone else.
What a bunch of clowns.
There are many reasons why this time of year is my favorite. Cold fronts creep in from the north dropping the Florida temperature to a comfortable 70 degrees; clear nights are accented by ocean breezes and the pugent odor of salt riding on the wind; the heavens are saturated with millions of stars and deep space object, all viewable with my 8" Celetron.
The Pleiades - also called the Seven Sisters, in the east, said to be the incubator of life; the Dippers and Cassiopeia wrestling for center stage in the north; and my favorite... Orion, majestically sitting on the throne of the heavens in mind-boggling spendor, constantly giving birth to more miricles of the universe.It's a season for spectacular meteor showers: The Orionids in October (due on stage tomorrow); the Leonids in November and Geminids in December. I'm a night sky junkie and I can find no beauty here on earth more eloquent than the wonders of the universe. Hear the music?
The Pleiades - also called the Seven Sisters, in the east, said to be the incubator of life; the Dippers and Cassiopeia wrestling for center stage in the north; and my favorite... Orion, majestically sitting on the throne of the heavens in mind-boggling spendor, constantly giving birth to more miricles of the universe.It's a season for spectacular meteor showers: The Orionids in October (due on stage tomorrow); the Leonids in November and Geminids in December. I'm a night sky junkie and I can find no beauty here on earth more eloquent than the wonders of the universe. Hear the music?
That's the way it is in my world... and so it goes.
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