Unless and until some supernatural phenomena presents itself to prove otherwise, there is one undebatable truth about each of us: We are born of circumstances. We do not choose our birth parents, our country of origin, our race or our birth condition. And ... we are each born with "free will" which, at some point in our lives we may, or may not, choose to employ. This is true of every human born.
What also appears to be true is that some are born with more abilities than others, regardless of birth circumstance. Intellegence and skills are, for whatever the reason (some say genes), more prevelent in some than others. Some choose to tap into these abilities, others do not. Mankind appears to allow those who utilize their pronounced abilities to control them in some way. Hence, we are, in different times and places, presented with tyrants, dictators, Kings, Chiefs, Presidents and the like. In some historical accounts mankind has allowed such leaders and pseudo-leaders as a matter of birth right regardless of their abilities. Historically, the masses succumb to some form of rule, be it of their choosing or by force. Also, historically, as some social groups (or countries) grow they tend to foist their way of life on others, as the best way to live. Out of this mankind has become embroiled in a history of war ... killing his own kind to obtain and maintain rule. Along the way, the atrocities that mankind is capable of inflicting on his victims have no barriers.
At different times and places man's resilience allows him to rebound from these self-inflicted attrocities and start anew, but... caught up in his own desires and greed he falls back to his historical roots of war, leaving one to wonder if man's inhumanity to man is the natural order of life... and death, inherited from the chaotic universe in which we live.
To be sure... our finite universe is in constant chaos, albeit one of expansion accompanied by beauty and magnificents such that mankind could never master short of his imagination; complete with direction and defined purpose... something that mankind appears to lack.
Some say that mankind is affected by the gravitational pull the moon exacts on earth's tides (lunetics?). Could the far away birth and death of stars, with its chaos and turmoil, also exact an effect on mankind? Are we in some way connected to these events? Does the cycle of passing comets and nearby astroids affect our demeanor and decisions? Are we one with the universe in which we live?
... to be continued
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