I left the Cindy 2000 in Naples and rented a car to drive back to Spring Hill earlier than planned. These spots and flashes of sparkles buzzing around my head are getting annoying and I have an appointment to see the eye doctor and my physician, on Monday.
I don't know what is causing them, but on the drive back we had our first thunderstorm of the season and it was quite a show. Enormous bolts of lightening danced across the sky, followed by thundering booms. And then came the rain. A gulley-washer; a flood from the heavens run amok. It all seemed to be a larger version of the sparkles that are annoying me. At least I'm not hearing thnder in my head.
Thunderstorms don't last very long here on the Florida Gulf. They come and they go. This first one visited us twice within eight hours and left a beautiful Sunday filled with fresh air and warm breezes in its wake, with the temperature hovering at 75 degrees. A dashing sunset was followed by an extraordinary clear night filled with stars and a fingernail like crescent moon hanging in the west. Should be another nice day tomorrow before our next storm rushes in sometime on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, it's life as usual around the Briars as whatever is ailing me doesn't seem to be causing discomfort beyond being distracting. So, after enjoying Tiger Woods' remarkable return to the victory stand I'll do some blogging and watch a movie or two in hopes of turning my attention away from the sparks of light.
... and so it goes.
According to one of my medical books, heat and sunlight can damage the eye (mainly temporary). The reflection of the sunlight off of the water, the strong wind which can carry dust etc., and possibly eyestrain or eye infection could be the cause of your eye problems. If you have a "floater", a dark spot that doesn't stay in one place, and looks the size of a grain of black pepper then it means some of the muscle behind your eye has broken off (but not much). Caused by ageing there is nothing anyone can do. Sudden jolts or injury to the eye would cause many more of these black dots. I know from experience. I haven't any info on the flashes of light. I hope it is nothing serious concerning your eyes.