Alcyone, Asterope, Celaeno, Electra, Maia, Merope and Taygeta. Nymphs all, and possessed of magnificent beauty beyond imagination.
Now..... as a rule, I'm not so bold as to flirt with more than one gal at a time. At my age, even one successful coupling is a plus. But, I've dated them before; many times. These inseparable gals are among my closest friends. One might say "friends with benefits" that mesmerize me into a hypnotic state of euphoria. Who... in my position, could have one without desiring the others? A menage a trois, two-fold plus one. I might die before it's over; but I'll die smiling. Who could resist such an invite? I is Spring.
Sound kinda kinky? It's not, really. These seven sisters, along with their kin, are better known as The Pleiades. The daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Together... they make up the cradle of life. As Orion drifts away, The Pleiades take center stage in the night sky.
The Pleiades is a "star cluster", set in the constellation Taurus. Probably the most well know star cluster. By eye they are sometimes mistaken as the little dipper. With binoculars they tug at your heart. Through a modest telescope, they steal away your soul. Through a really big telescope, well... like I said, who could resist the euphoric bliss.
It's probably just as well that Orion is in decline. I mean, the great hunter, himself, was once seduced by these goddesses of folklore. And I'm in no position to compete with such studly opposition.
If you have never spent time gazing at stars up close... I can tell you this:
Every object, or group of objects out there, has a particular emotional tug. They touch you in different ways. Some leave you feeling all scrambled up and worn out from the chaos they display. Some, spark fear in your heart. You want to look away... escape, but you can't. Some absorb you, leaving you tired, helpless... empty. Others, give you mass doses of energy. Your adrenalin level increases. They're addicting, far more than any drug known to man. But only one, that I know of, seduces you. Enticing you with a unrelenting allure that always results in conquest. Joy, excitement, wonder, happiness, fulfilled, are just some of the words that come to mind. Pleiades.

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