15 September 2009

Back off.... he's my man

I started preparing Sadie for our trip to the Grand Canyon and camping. I told her there were many ferocious animals in the wilderness and she needed to practice her growling skills to scare them off.Like I said... she's a quick study and is ready to stand her ground.

This little pup is not worried; but I'll keep her close anyway, lest she discover the mountain lions won't be as impressed as I am....and so it goes.

Today I kicked back and enjoyed the company of my brother and sister-in-law. I also spent one of my rare occasions in the kitchen and cooked up a special dinner for them.

Thursday it's off to the L.A. County Fair. Might even indulge in some junk food.... including cotton candy.

Friday night it's off to a high school football game at my alma mater. Saturday I'll attend a reunion picnic.

I venture off on these trips frequently, but usually I am gone no more than a couple of weeks. It's week 5 now and while I'm having a great time, I am missing Florida a little. That itch to start my drive east is nagging me. With all the stops planned between here (California) and back home in Florida, It's looking like mid November before I get back to the Briars.

Along with the Grand Canyon trip, Sadie and I will visit Painted Desert in Arizona and Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.

... and so it goes.

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