I got a craving tonite. It was going on midnight and I suddenly had a sweet tooth; the third one over from the middle... bottom.
Now... I found that odd. The tooth is an implant. A screw in my jaw holding what appear to be a genuine incisor. My dentist didn't tell me a make believe tooth could crave sweets. Probably I'm just imagining it. Either way, I had a need to sweeten up my palate.
Back home at the Briars, such a situation is easy to resolve... no matter the time, day or night. Even in our small town there are many places open 24/7 catering to the needs of we aging folk, from super markets to restaurants and donut shops.
But I'm not at home in the Briars. I'm in this Texas town called Magnolia. Thus far... the only thing I've seen open after 8pm is a convenience store, a burger drive through and the ever reliable Wally World. Even the cattle have bedded down for the night.
So, Wally World it is; off I go to gather some fixin's: bananas, strawberries, ice cream, chocolate syrup, cool whip... and a lemon merigue pie, just in case.

... and so it goes.
Hope all is going well w/your trip, Dave. Haven't read any new blogs in a bit (miss them!) so got a bit concerned. Hope Sadie is a good traveling companion!