Over my nearly sixty-five years I have witnessed some amazing things. I used to think my recovery from the challenges put to me, resulting from war, were remarkable and I concluded that in the battle of mind and body, the mind has the upper hand if one so chooses. Little did I know how right I was.
Of all the remarkable things I have witnessed, none reaches the heights set by my grandson... Joey; as he takes on his days one at a time, on his terms... with a powerfully positive attitude that says to the reaper, "not just yet". This young man of eighteen years has set a new standard for what is and isn't "remarkable". I live each and every day with the pride and joy of knowing he is "from this seed"..... a Navarro.
From where does this remarkably high outlook and attitude come? That one is easy. Joey's parents... my son Joseph and his wife, Robyn; who share that high standard the three of them have set and continue to elevate. I shed happy tears of pride each and every day, over their amazing strength and faith.
While I know first hand that impossible is but a word forever proved erroneous, I am a realist and remain ever aware of a possible change in the tide. But, for now I bathe in the joy that each day brings as Joey defies the odds and dares to redefine impossible.
Today is another good day. Tomorrow will be another. My remarkable grandson is in the driver's seat and he's steering a course filled with happy days. I remain here in California enjoying each and every day he gives me.
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