My BlogSpot - August 10, 2009
I'm camping along-side the Pascagoula River; down around the Mississippi Sound, by Gautier. Unspoiled cordgrass marches and cypress trees blend into an estuary that dumps into the Gulf of Mexico. It's another example of how similar...yet different life is along the Gulf Coast.
I wasn't able to get a "modern conveniences" campsite, so I'm roughing it. But at least I got a picnic table and grill. I had to hike a bit to shower up at the public bath house. After settling in and taking care of necessities, I went over to Alligator Alley... a disk golf course that bumps up against Lamotte Bayou. Disk golf is included in the park entry fee.
What the heck is disk golf, you ask. Well... you remember the era of the frisbee? Instead of whacking a little white ball with a club, in disk golf you throw a frisbee disk through, over, and around the trees; the goal being a target basket. It's great excercise and a chance to really enjoy the natural beauty of the park.
Predicted thundershowers didn't arrive. The weather has been good... although a tad hot and humid in the upper 80's. Today is expected to be somewhere up in the 90's. At this early hour (5am) it's already 83 degrees, with no wind... which causes the humidity to hang heavy in the air. But that comes with Gulf Coast living and is the reason for the slow pace down in this part of the country.
Night time light pollution is minimal and I've had a chance to enjoy watching the stars and planet dance around the sky from a different perspective than I normally see back home at The Briars. Jupiter off to my southwest... Venus and Mars rising in the north-northeast; the occasional meteor blazing across the heavens. The mind wanders easily as it tugs at whatever this natural connection is that we have with universal wonders. I'll watch the sunrise with other early rising campers.
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