30 March 2015

Run as One....

On Saturday past, I participated in the Run As One running event, along with a whole host of runners, across the nation.... from Team RWB, Team Rubicon, and The Mission Continues. An event in support of positive solutions for veteran transition and reintegration to civilian life. This activity was inspired by and to give honor to the memory of Clay Hunt;  a Marine who lost his battle with PTSD and his fight with suicide.

We met at Owen Beach... part of Point Defiance Park, in Tacoma, WA. We would do the run and follow-up with some social time. I love these kinds of events. They make you feel good all over..

Prior to the run, we were offered some maps that laid out the 5K course we would follow. I... along with some other declined to take the maps.

Getting lost and making a couple of wrong turns was kinda hilarious.Probably it wouldn't have happened if I had taken one of the maps that were provided. 

Anyway... here I am, jogging along to the beat of my own drum... a cadence that stretched the minute waltz to around 5 minutes. I see a group coming toward me, which was my first hint that I was lost. So, I turn around and make a right at the next corner... a blocked of road. Looking back, I see that group following me up that road, so I'm feeling better. 

Soon I trade greetings with Bob as he passes me... followed shortly by a couple of gals. I pay it all no mind. I mean, I was one with the road... why should I go any faster? 

As I topped the hill, I noticed all those who past me kneeing... drawing diagrams on the ground. They were lost. I snickered at myself... I had followed them up that grade. Lost again. 

The smart money would have been to stop with that group and see if they figure it out. But, I endeavored to go on. I figured one of these turns would take me back to Owen Beach. A couple of extra miles and a few turns later, I was back on track Good thing too, because that minute waltz was wearing down.

As always, your comments are welcomed.

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