18 March 2015

The Next Night You're Outside, Look Up...

If it's a clear night be prepared to be amazed.

Especially on the night of April 4th. The 3rd in a series, of four during 2014 and 2015, total solar eclipses, or Blood Moons will occur; the last happening later in September. The period is referred to as a lunar tetrad. It will be visible to most of North America.

This is pretty rare. Count yourself lucky. As if Total eclipses of the moon aren't rare enough, we are in the second lunar tetrad of eight that will occur this century. You can bet a lot of conspiracy folk with attach varying degrees of special significance to these events. Although... many will sleep right through it or miss it entirely because they rarely look up.

Prior to this Moon Eclipse event, there will be a Total Eclipse of the Sun, of even more significance. It will happen on March the 20th. The vernal equinox. The first day of Spring. That happen only once every 100,000 year. This is pretty special folks. You have good reason to look up and witness these historic events.

So... now you know what's just ahead. There is more to both stories, but I'll save that for tomorrow. Until then.... take a moment to see what's above you.

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