19 March 2015

The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly in the Plain!

Just so you know.... the title of this Blog has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with today's topic. If it did, I'd be discussing the subtleties and nuances of My Fair Lady. But I can't do that, since I've never seen it in any format. That is to say... live play or at the movies. Nor do I have any idea why the thought came to me. Alas, it did and it's there, so we'll give it it's due and be done with it.

What I was going to talk about was the Theory of Nothing, until I discovered that there really is something... the Theory of Nothing, that is. Far be it for me to talk about nothing that has already been declared to be something afterall. Come to think of it, I seem to recall that there is also a Theory of Everything; which, if I recall my Physics, is all about Nothing. So, in a sense, that leaves me with nothing to talk about.

What say we start over.

Tomorrow... March 20, 2015 is a pretty special day, in a number of way. First... it is my oldest son's (David Jr.) birthday. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, David.  It's also, officially, the first day of spring... the Vernal Equinox; that one day in the year when we have 12 hours of daylight and twelve hour of dark. But that's not all. There will also be a Total eclipse of the Sun.... and, the first day of the New Moon.

I touched on these things a few days ago, but they are so significant that I want to revisit them as we approach that special day. Remember.... a total solar eclipse on the same day as the vernal equinox only happens about once every 100,000 years.

We will not see the Solar eclipse here in the United States. It will be visible at the North Pole; and parts of northern Europe will see a partial eclipse. But... FEAR NOT! Just point your Internet Browser to http://live.slooh.com/stadium/live/the-total-solar-eclipse-of-2015 and you can see it happen LIVE, thanks to Slooh. It all starts tomorrow, Friday March 20 at 1:30 a.m. PDT. Remember now... if you miss it you will have to wait another 100,000 years before your next opportunity.

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