20 June 2012

On The Road....

A few years ago I got the bug to travel. More often than not, my trips were spontaneous, which meant getting a travel trailer so as not to find myself sleeping on park benches when I couldn't get room reservations. So I shopped around and settled into a 15 foot HiLo Travel-lite. Nice little trailer. Perfect for one widowed wanderer with lots of time and no particular destination from day to day. It was a fun couple of years seeing the good ol' US of A.

No longer a widower, I'm a happily married oldster of nearly a year. My wife, Debbie, and I enjoy traveling together. So, it was time to think larger travel trailer... but not too large. We settled on the KZ Sportsmen Classic - 19SB (pictured above); 20 feet, tail to tongue and perfect for dragging around the country with our '08 Explorer.

We are currently in west central Florida (Gulf Coast), near Tampa/St Pete. On July 1 we will set our sights on Puyallup, Washington (near Tacoma/Seattle).... our summer home. Sometime in early November we will start the return trek south and east.

The trip to the great Northwest will be leisurely. We have some sight-seeing to do. Besides, what good is having a TT (travel trailer) if all we do is drag it 3500 miles as burdensome added extra weight? So.... here we come America.

Back to Blogging...

While browsing the Net, I came across my Blog... which I haven't visited in sometime. A lot has changed since I started and maintain this Blog regularly. Now might be a good time to bring it up to date. Well... maybe not right now, but very soon. Stay tuned.