11 July 2015

Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: TeamRWB Meets Veteran's Needs in a Special Way

Part One of Three

For the most part, I am not a “joiner”. I have, “Been there, done that” as the saying goes, and, in the final analysis it has seldom led to permanent good. But, don't let my skepticism sway you. We are each individuals and we each strive to fill our own voids. As with many of these organizations, what we may or may not join is mission specific to our needs. Sometimes those needs may be seemingly selfish, though necessarily so; other times find our needs are met by ensuring the needs of others are met.

Over the years, there have been many organizations crop up in support of our Nation's Veterans. Most do a great job, while some do a better job supporting their founders and officers than the Veterans they exploit; Wounded Warrior Program comes to my mind. While they sometimes help some Veterans in laudable ways, I have much difficulty with their stated definition of the Wounded Warriors they support... those who are wounded AFTER 9-11-2001. Aside from having trouble justifying the size of the paychecks some WWP organizers take home, I have real difficulty distinguishing between the soldier who stepped on an IED before September 11th 2001 and one who did so after. Hence, WWP is, to my mind, representative of the Chaff. While some may disagree and argue the point.... PTSD is oblivious of date delineations. I would expect the same from a “Non-Profit” Veteran's organization.

Some Veterans related organizations are started by Veterans, for Veterans; while others are created by civilians who lost a Veteran in a war or as a result of the effects of a war. Many define specific needs. While some work, in a positive way, in support of Veteran's needs, others are comprised of Veterans working to fulfill the needs of others.... Veterans and civilians, alike. Excellent examples of these types of organizations are Team Rubicon, The Mission Continues, and VetBikes. Three Veteran related organizations who are clearly separated from the chaff by their Missions.

And then there is... The Wheat itself; the creme de la creme... Team RWB (Red, White and Blue). An idea borne out of a psychologically envisioned need, by Army Maj. Mike Erwin, with a Mission Statement so simple and direct that it's no wonder TeamRWB shot out of the starting gate and continues to grow and shine.

To enrich the lives of America's veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity.

Simple, direct, and easy to understand. More importantly.... easy to accomplish, and obviously successful, as witnessed by the hundreds of civilians and Veterans who continue to join every week. And, it doesn't distinguish between eras. Veterans are veterans, despite their age or date/time served.

As a Vietnam era Veteran who witnessed first hand, the huge disconnect between civilians and Veterans, that left Veterans bitter, disappointed, and questioning their value as individuals and as Americans, resulting in a huge spike in Veteran suicides, the Team RWB Mission Statement is long overdue and refreshing. The beauty of the Mission is, there are no losers. Everyone wins.

I'm willing to bet that not many in TeamRWB even know who Major Mike Erwin is; after more a year as a member, I didn't. That itself says a lot. Clearly, the Major is not seeking notoriety. What he did seek... and build, continues to grow.

Next time: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: TeamRWB, It's What's Up Front That Counts.... and Matters