30 March 2015

Run as One....

On Saturday past, I participated in the Run As One running event, along with a whole host of runners, across the nation.... from Team RWB, Team Rubicon, and The Mission Continues. An event in support of positive solutions for veteran transition and reintegration to civilian life. This activity was inspired by and to give honor to the memory of Clay Hunt;  a Marine who lost his battle with PTSD and his fight with suicide.

We met at Owen Beach... part of Point Defiance Park, in Tacoma, WA. We would do the run and follow-up with some social time. I love these kinds of events. They make you feel good all over..

Prior to the run, we were offered some maps that laid out the 5K course we would follow. I... along with some other declined to take the maps.

Getting lost and making a couple of wrong turns was kinda hilarious.Probably it wouldn't have happened if I had taken one of the maps that were provided. 

Anyway... here I am, jogging along to the beat of my own drum... a cadence that stretched the minute waltz to around 5 minutes. I see a group coming toward me, which was my first hint that I was lost. So, I turn around and make a right at the next corner... a blocked of road. Looking back, I see that group following me up that road, so I'm feeling better. 

Soon I trade greetings with Bob as he passes me... followed shortly by a couple of gals. I pay it all no mind. I mean, I was one with the road... why should I go any faster? 

As I topped the hill, I noticed all those who past me kneeing... drawing diagrams on the ground. They were lost. I snickered at myself... I had followed them up that grade. Lost again. 

The smart money would have been to stop with that group and see if they figure it out. But, I endeavored to go on. I figured one of these turns would take me back to Owen Beach. A couple of extra miles and a few turns later, I was back on track Good thing too, because that minute waltz was wearing down.

As always, your comments are welcomed.

24 March 2015

Run Forest..... Run, or Just Walk if You Have To

It seem like I've been running most of my life. Not from anything; and nowhere in particular. Just running. A regular Forest Gump, before Forest Gump was created.

I started running way back in Jr. High School. When I reached High School, I immediately joined the Varsity Cross-country team and ran my way through the 9th and 10th grades, before giving it up to play Varsity football.

After high school, I continued to run; in the Marine, in College and afterward wherever I could find a 10K, until sometime around age 58, I just stopped running. That too sounds like Forest Gump.

A few years ago, I started running again. I pledged to run a 5K race at least once a year... on my birthday. There were a few different reasons why I started running again. Mostly it was to have something to due in my spare time. That is after playing golf, and after wandering around tourist spots with my lovely wife; and after whatever else occupied mt retirement years. After awhile I noticed that, just like health professionals tell us... running was doing real good thing for me. My doctor had given me a blood pressure monitor and a daily schedule to measure and post my BP on a chart, which I was to send in every month. It seems my BP had been creeping up the scale, considerably. I chose to cooperate because the last thing I wanted was to be put on BP regulation medication. I am not real keen on taking meds. So... anyway, what I noticed, from all this running, is that my BP dropped from 146/120 down to 120/79. Plus... I really started feeling energized. So I run... and run... and run. When I don't run, I ride a bicycle.

Now... I mention all this because I notice you may not be running as often as you should. If you are, that's great. But if you are not... then it is time you considered doing so. That is, if you want to avoid all sorts of health problems as you age. I can tell you, from experience, if you allow, all sorts of aches and pains will visit you in your senior years. And if you let them, they will take over and run your life. Not what you want in your retirement years. It's much better to have fun and enjoy all that free time you earned.

If you can't run... and some can't; due to knee replacement and the like... then walk. Walk around the block. Then walk a half mile, then a mile. Take someone with you and you will finish before you know it. Before long you will be walking 2, 3 even 4 miles and more. And you will feel great.

19 March 2015

The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly in the Plain!

Just so you know.... the title of this Blog has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with today's topic. If it did, I'd be discussing the subtleties and nuances of My Fair Lady. But I can't do that, since I've never seen it in any format. That is to say... live play or at the movies. Nor do I have any idea why the thought came to me. Alas, it did and it's there, so we'll give it it's due and be done with it.

What I was going to talk about was the Theory of Nothing, until I discovered that there really is something... the Theory of Nothing, that is. Far be it for me to talk about nothing that has already been declared to be something afterall. Come to think of it, I seem to recall that there is also a Theory of Everything; which, if I recall my Physics, is all about Nothing. So, in a sense, that leaves me with nothing to talk about.

What say we start over.

Tomorrow... March 20, 2015 is a pretty special day, in a number of way. First... it is my oldest son's (David Jr.) birthday. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, David.  It's also, officially, the first day of spring... the Vernal Equinox; that one day in the year when we have 12 hours of daylight and twelve hour of dark. But that's not all. There will also be a Total eclipse of the Sun.... and, the first day of the New Moon.

I touched on these things a few days ago, but they are so significant that I want to revisit them as we approach that special day. Remember.... a total solar eclipse on the same day as the vernal equinox only happens about once every 100,000 years.

We will not see the Solar eclipse here in the United States. It will be visible at the North Pole; and parts of northern Europe will see a partial eclipse. But... FEAR NOT! Just point your Internet Browser to http://live.slooh.com/stadium/live/the-total-solar-eclipse-of-2015 and you can see it happen LIVE, thanks to Slooh. It all starts tomorrow, Friday March 20 at 1:30 a.m. PDT. Remember now... if you miss it you will have to wait another 100,000 years before your next opportunity.

18 March 2015


So..... it's now OFFICIAL. I took my first road bike ride.... ever, with experienced riders.... Doug Pfeffer and Ben Beltromo of Team RWB. It was... in a word, AWESOME.

As I mentioned before, I dabbled in bike riding some years ago; and even a year ago in Mesa, AZ.... getting my daily exercise riding a mountain bike along the city bike lanes. But I had never ridden a decent road bike, in the company of other riders, who were experience. So.... I was the newbie.

One thing about being the Newbie... the guys didn't make me feel like it. They held the pace down, and kept it comfortable for me, but otherwise made me feel like I was a part of the ride. That is a common attitude in Team RWB events and the top reason I enjoy the club.

So anyway... back to this idea of organized bike riding: Clearly it is a popular sport. One that, just as with golf, I wish I had taken more serious a lot earlier in life. But, no matter; like golf age is not a deterrent. You get started at your pace; you learn the particulars about your bike, the gears, cadence and riding.... and you work to increase your pace without overworking.  What could be easier than that? The Wednesday Night Eagle Pride Ride is marked on my calendar every week for the foreseeable future.

I still have much to learn. I'll do some bike clinic stuff, lots of reading, and lots of riding leading up to Wednesday. And I will continue my Tuesday morning indoor bike class at McChord Fitness Center, main gym annex. And my 5k runs will continue, building on my cardio.

Next on my biking agenda are some decent pedals and shoes. I rode with my drop foot brace and it started feeling uncomfortable after about forty minutes. I probably don't need it, as not much power is being generated by my ankle or lower foot. It's really coming from my upper leg and my knee. Plus, I am guessing that a clip-on bike shoe will give me added up-lift, that I am not getting

Here's a tip for you older guys out there... You know who you are. Those of you sharing your 60th and 70th decade with me and others. Those of you riding an easy chair in front of your TV. Get Up. Go down and buy you a bike. And start riding it. You'll still have time for your daily couch potato marathon. Just not quite as much time. Best of all... you will feel better physically, and you'll like it mentally. It's not like you have to worry about those knee and hip replacements. Ride easy. Start with 30 minutes; increase to an hour. I promise you... it won't be long before you are riding for an hour, three and four days a week.

The Eagle Pride Ride will be a permanent habit for me. As my riding experience comes together, I will add blogs... so stay tuned, and if you can... Come Ride With Me.

As always.... if you enjoyed this Blog, or have questions, or have a particular subject you'd like me to Blog about,  please leave your comments below.

The Next Night You're Outside, Look Up...

If it's a clear night be prepared to be amazed.

Especially on the night of April 4th. The 3rd in a series, of four during 2014 and 2015, total solar eclipses, or Blood Moons will occur; the last happening later in September. The period is referred to as a lunar tetrad. It will be visible to most of North America.

This is pretty rare. Count yourself lucky. As if Total eclipses of the moon aren't rare enough, we are in the second lunar tetrad of eight that will occur this century. You can bet a lot of conspiracy folk with attach varying degrees of special significance to these events. Although... many will sleep right through it or miss it entirely because they rarely look up.

Prior to this Moon Eclipse event, there will be a Total Eclipse of the Sun, of even more significance. It will happen on March the 20th. The vernal equinox. The first day of Spring. That happen only once every 100,000 year. This is pretty special folks. You have good reason to look up and witness these historic events.

So... now you know what's just ahead. There is more to both stories, but I'll save that for tomorrow. Until then.... take a moment to see what's above you.

16 March 2015

The Prodigy Returns.....

The Prodigy Returns.....

Wow! Two years? That long since I graced the pages of The Briars. That's just not right. Must do better. In fact, I intend to do better... and for good reason. A lot has changed in my world over the past two years. I took up playing golf, back to running for the first time in more than a decade, joined some new, fabulous organizations, doing volunteer work over at the VA; training for a SIXTY Mile... that's right, count 'em..... 60 miles RUCK, back east, come May. Harpers Ferry, W. Virginia to Arlington National Cemetery, on Memorial Day 2015;  I have taken up bike riding. Not the bike riding we did as kids. Real bike riding... but I'll get into that later. And, last but not least, I am revisiting my photography hobby with a vengeance.

So.... as you can tell from the photo up in the right hand corner, I have taken up golf. I actually started playing in March of 2013 down in Mesa, Arizona. I took it a step further when I returned to Puyallup, WA and joined the Golf Club at American Lake Veteran Golf Course, on the American Lake VA Campus, in Lakewood. And to put an accent on my arrival to the sport... I hit my first Hole-in-One during a Club Tournament, on a Par 4. How about that! While that does give me something to brag about, I have a long way to go before I will be an adequate golfer; at least adequate enough to my satisfaction. After my first two years, I am a steady 17 handicapper.... looking to settle around 12-14 in the next couple of years.

Another new activity taking a hunk of my time is running. Yeah... that's what I said.... running. Something I did a lot of as a kid and high schooler..... having run Cross country and the mile; and carried the torch on the USA Olympic Torch Relay Team, back in 1960. I took up running again in the mid 70s and, after moving to Florida, made it a habit of running the Tampa Bay Gasparilla 10K, every year until I reach 58 and said enough was enough.

While not usually much of a joiner, I've joined a great club.... TEAM RWB, which accommodates my new found love for running, as well as other activities. You might want to look us up online. There is sure to be a RWB Chapter near you and you'll be glad you did.

Add to the golf and running.... hiking. Now, wait a minute..... you say? Actually it's good exercise, and not always difficult. Although, on occasion, when I combine hiking with my photography and want a particular photo, hiking can get challenging. Ahhh... but hey, once you get the picture it not that bad. Usually. Sometimes I manage to get up some place without considering I need to come back down. Part of the challenge.

A couple of weeks ago, I went up on the mountain... that's Mt. Rainier for you non Great NorthWesterners; anyway, I went up there chasing down some photo ops at Reflection Lake, and hoping to capture some waterfalls. Well, I did get a few waterfalls pics, although I wasn't real happy with them, but aside from that, my biggest accomplishment was building a snowman.

Up around Paradise, the snow started getting deep and I wasn't prepared. But all was not lost. While visiting with some other hikers, I had an opportunity to use a pair of snowshoes, for the very first time. After shuffling up the trail a couple of hundred yards and back, I found a "new love".... dang, am I fickle or what? Hah! Anyway, I loved it and after discussing it with my lovely wife, I am now the proud owner of a great pair of snowshoes, which she gave me for my 70th birthday.

Yeah... I celebrated my 70th birthday this past weekend. Ran a 5K over at Joint Base Lewis / McChord, along with some others from RWB. Didn't do too bad for an old fart. Ran it in 33 minutes and 38 seconds, which is a personal best for me since I started back and erases that dastardly 52 minutes plus, I ran last year. I've heard it said that 70 is the new 30.... my grandson reminded me of that. They may be right because I am feeling great and energetic.

Oh... and then there is this thing about biking. Remember way, way back when we used to put bikes together from collected spare parts, with those long goose-neck handlebars? Well that was kid stuff and pretty easy. Today's mountain bikes and road bikes are specialized cycles that take some knowledge... and some skill to ride. I got a new road bike for my birthday.... my gift to myself; and I'm doing okay. Nothing to brag about. I mean, I can ride 20 miles or so with no problem. Back some years ago, I rode my Schwinn road bike to Tampa and back, on the bike trail. That was a 100 miles round trip... and it took the best part of the day and moved into dark. I'm not fast. And I don't particularly know much about the gears. But I'll learn. Biking is another RWB activity. We have experts who will show us the ropes. Meanwhile, I try to keep my legs strong and figure the rest will come over time. 

There is a bit of a price to pay, being involved in all these active activities. The body and limbs are not as fluid and strong as they used to be. Lots of pain requires attention after running, biking hiking, and the like. But, I get through it. And the accomplishments feel good. The thing to keep in mind is that, it's not about being the best, or the fastest. It's about doing your best and reaching to complete what you start. It's about knowing your limitations and staying active, physically and mentally. It's about living!

So, here's to new beginnings. Hope you stop by often. And, if you find that I am getting lax on my posting, drop me a note to give me a nudge. As always, your comments are welcome.