I mean, how far do you take your idiosyncrasies before you say enough is enough? Are there limits to your going the extra mile to achieve perfection?
I had a good friend over for dinner last night. We are close enough friends to be unmoved by criticism and actually listen to, and learn from, each others critiques. That doesn't mean we change, but there is a mutual communications thing going on that we enjoy.
Anyway... as I was cooking dinner, she was constantly on my case about the way I did things. As I cook... I clean; wash what I use and put it away. So that by the time the meal is served, only the serving dishes and utensils are left to wash...after the meal.
"Boy Dave," she said.
"You are really weird in the kitchen. It's home, not a hotel."
And... she's probably right. Most folks wait until after a meal to do the dish chores.
As her picking at me went on, I asked if she had any peculiar habits (tongue in cheek), as if I didn't already know. She is by most standards... Ms Perfection. I had an opportunity to prove the point later in the evening.
After dinner... and after watching a movie, I pulled out one of many LARGE containers of change that I have accumulated over the years, and started rolling pennies. No big deal, right? Count out 50, stuff them in a penny roll, fold the end and be done. As my friend watched me do this a few times she finally spoke up.
"You're not doing that right," she retorted, as she dumped pennies from finished rolls.
"All the heads have to face the same way," she corrected me.
"Why?", I asked.
"I mean, I'm not going to get extra credit just because all the heads are facing the same way."
"Because that's the way it's done", she replied.
I sat and watched for awhile, as she stacked pennies with all the heads facing the same way and then dropped them into the rolls. After she finished a few, I reached over and dumped them out on the table.
"Wha.. why did you do that," she asked.
"Because you're not following the rules," I said.
"I mean if the rules says all the heads must face the same way, it follows that you should put them in the roll head facing up. You were putting them in head first."
She thought about that for a moment and then reached over and dumped out the remaining rolls and started over.
So, now I have 200 rolls of pennies with all the heads facing the same way. Too funny!
That's the way it is in my world... and so it goes!